Message from Pastor Carl
My continuing prayer is that God’s family here at the Parkdale Church of the Nazarene will seek and experience an outpouring of Holy Spirit power that will transform us into a body of believers that God will use in some incredible ways in our community.
We are teaching and encouraging all who attend to increase their personal devotion to the Lord, to family, and to His work. To this end, we are trying to let God lead us away from doing church into an outward focus of learning to reach lost souls for Christ, and then to help disciple them into becoming productive, loving members of His church family.
The church family in Parkdale is a smaler rural, warm, loving congregation. While Covid impacted attendance substantially, we would love the chance to make new friends and to build God's family. We would love to opportunity to visit with you if interested, so feel welcome to visit and find a new home.
We hope to involve more people in church ministry activities, and aid all those who attend to feel involved and loved in Christ.
We also strongly believe in associating with and partnering with other community churches. I believe our partnership with these churches in our community, strengthens our ability to reach out and impact people in the Hood River Valley.
Lastly, I always want to thank God, for allowing Jean and I to love and serve His family here in Parkdale.